jueves, 5 de abril de 2012

The future of Facebook

Some people believe that Facebook will become the world's largest bank, others believe it will improve political relations between countries, others that affect the international economy in a few years.

When more than 600 million people worldwide are connected in a single platform, the concept of social network to keep up to date contact evolves to something much bigger.

Furthermore there is no doubt that we are talking about a "parallel Internet". Now a day's small businesses have decided to stop creating a websites to create a Facebook page, where they have a free platform (page) where they can get in touch with customers, show updates of the business, present business, receive feedbacks from customers with just clicking "like" or "Dislike".

Therefore this is only an example of how Facebook is changing the way of "doing things" on the Internet and how fast and how important Social Media is growing worldwide and becoming part of our daily life.

But that is not all - How many people is been re-encountered with friends from childhood - families , marriages ,even divorces are being blamed to Facebook..

Facebook pages offers you a large on line options . It allows you to create albums and share with friends or even customizing with the friend you want to see your album. Allows you to play games, surveys, read news ,upload videos and being updated with your favorites artists releases and businesses products of your preference.

In 2008 when moving to New Zealand a friend of mine introduced me in to Facebook. At first sight I didn't know what she was talking about ,she just said ,"messenger is dying " and people must create an account in Facebook in order to still keep in touch with friends, so I did. Honestly ,my experience with this new "platform "was very fulfilling. " I was able to stay in touch with my family in Chile more often, which it was in my first list of priorities. Then every day I was receiving invitations of classmate from my early years, my very old friends. It was fantastic to see all this people in just one site, knowing about each other, sharing their lives, even more posting photos of how they look like now. My time in Facebook was very addictive. I was very curious looking every bodies friends lives - rediscovering them. I felt I was discovering a new book with very interesting short stories inside, opening new photos albums of my best friends in primary with their families was fantastic

Furthermore I was constantly updating my siblings with my life in New Zealand .Constantly downloading photos of my children for my family and friends could see them .

Accordingly ,one day, I felt I was disclosing too much information to everyone , my life -to all my friends in Facebook. I realized the more you disclose your life people send messages asking about your personal life. Families started to comment and get very involved.

Also I have now realized that people has a different perception - of postings - comments even my photos. Since then ,my daily posting journey to Facebook went to zero. I decided to keep my life in private ,not disclose more my life to people that yes, they are your friends but most of them are just on line friends.

I believe Facebook would have a long time in our life. This social media is growing everyday even more and it has become part of our daily lives. There are people asking in the web-How our life will be without Facebook? my answer is clear -What do you think?.